domingo, novembro 20, 2005

Cluedo - Outras pérolas para recordar :)

Mustard: "This is war Peacock, casualties are inevitable. You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. Any good cook will tell you that."
Peacock: "But look what happened to the cook!"
Mustard: "Why is J. Edgar Hoover on your phone?"
Wadsworth: "I don't know. He's on everybody else's, so why shouldn't he be on mine!"
Mustard: "I prefer Kipling myself - the female of the species is more deadly than the male. Do you like Kipling Miss Scarlet?"
Scarlet: "Sure - I'll eat anything."
Mustard: "Who would want to kill the cook?"
Scarlet: "Dinner wasn't that bad."